Sent: Saturday, January 02, 2021 12:22 PM

Subject: Here are some thoughts, what do you think?


For starters, many of us are middle of the road people—we like our Constitution and founding values and don’t want our nation destroyed.  We are the true classical Liberals and Progressives, and denounce those demagogues who call themselves “liberal” and “progressive” and yet are in fact the dead opposite.  It is time we wake up reality and start saving our nation from their growing tyranny over us.  We refuse to let them usurp positive labels and words to be used for their subversions—as such, we reclaim such words as liberal and progressive as well as the color BLUE.  RED is the true color of the Left, who wish to ever grow government and control over We the People to the point we are mere slaves to their tyranny.


Below are listed goals for us to become a healthier society. Maybe you can find one or more that you would like to promote.  What do you think? (and if you disagree with any, let us know.)


*** We must learn to become good “fishers of men”—We must learn to effectively market our ideas and goals. This is something those on the Left do both religiously and successfully, while the Right simply ignore the fact they are doing such a poor job of it.  We are not going to win back our youth or the hearts and minds of the ill-informed, unless we develop street smarts, and see how our labels (such as identifying ourselves as “Conservative” and with the color Red) alienate rather than draw the misinformed to the factors we hold, that promote freedom, opportunity—the very things that make life pleasant and rewarding. We need to confront what we believe and promote it in a way to both educate and entice people to become partners in the task of making America the great nation—and beacon of light to the world—that it can and should be.


*** In selecting people to represent us, the focus must be on the issues, not the notoriety or personality of the person – We must reject any candidate who promotes himself rather than being a known commodity in regard to integrity and adherence to the policies and issues we uphold.  We have to purge our system of self-serving people, lacking in integrity, who wish to gain power and wealth from the public trough.  Also, if we focus on the issues, and generate a cadre of people who fully support those issues, then candidates can be substituted one for another—and we can counter the Leftist agenda of character assassination, since it will not be the candidate that is the focus, but the issues.


*** Stop Congress from passing voluminous and injurious legislation – Require by law that no elected representative can vote on a bill, one way or another unless he/she has completely read the bill, has understood it, and can answer questions regarding it, especially its impact on the public and the welfare of our nation. Perhaps then we can return to the days where legislation was straightforward.


*** Restoring the integrity of our Constitution is essential to our liberty – Few are taught these days how essential our Constitution is to protect us from the tyranny of those who wish to become our rulers. Unfortunately, we as a people have allowed those tyrants to corrupt that document.  The rule of law under our Constitution has been corrupted by all three branches of the Federal government; as a result we have a bloated Federal government performing all manner of functions it is not authorized to do under the Constitution—these must be recognized and reigned in (nullified and rescinded) if we are to re-establish the integrity of our Constitution and the rule of law in this nation.  We must develop entertaining and enlightening videos that educate viewers to the Constitution and show by clear examples how Congress, the courts, and even the executive have corrupted the Constitution was laws and rulings contrary to the best interests of the general welfare of this nation.


*** Self-government requires small legislative districts – At the time of our nation’s founding, the various colonies that became the states had experience in self-government.  They knew that it was essential to keep representative districts reasonably small if the people would be able to choose as representatives, people of known integrity and values.  At the first congress in 1789, the very first of the 12 proposed amendments—to be our Bill of Rights—was to set an upper limit on the population size of a House District at 50,000 people.  Unfortunately, the enemy sabotaged this amendment by changing one word, which rendered the amendment without meaning after the population of this nation reached 8 million.  It was never ratified, and the enemies of self-government have carefully avoided this topic.  Now, in most states, and especially in the Federal Government, the size of districts are so large that only the very wealthy, or those supported by powerful special interests have much chance of getting elected—and the common man has very little influence on the outcome other than to perhaps vote the lesser of evils—should they even be able to discern that based on all the campaign promises by the snake oil politicians.  In short, if we want to clean up and restore the concept of self-government our founders intended for us, then we need to educate the public to the need for small districts, nationally, and locally—if we want true representation and to reduce corruption in government.  Small districts are essential for a representative system to work. 


*** Restore the peoples House – The House of Representatives was designed to be the People’s House, and now it is a den of thieves.  Pass an Amendment similar to Article the First that places a cap on the size of a House district to no more than either of the two versions passed by the House and Senate in 1789.  Yes it would balloon the size of the current House frozen at 435 members (since an illegal apportionment act in 1911) to well over 6,000 members.  And, there are many ways to make this more manageable and a vast improvement over what we have now.  


*** Restore the purpose of the Senate – The Senate was designed to represent the various states in Congress.  Public ignorance over the need for small districts (nationally as well as for state legislatures) enabled the enemies of self-government to sell the 17th Amendment—which transformed the membership of the Senate to be selected by state legislatures to one where it is now a popular vote in a statewide election.  While this may sound like a democratic improvement, it is reality a blessing for the wealthy and special interests and a tragedy for We the People.  No longer are the Senators allegiance to the states, but instead they are free to operate on their own self-interests, most often determined by the special interests that endorse and support them.  We need to educate the public to the truth of these issues and repeal the 17th Amendment in order to restore the Senate to what it was designed to be.


*** Restore the Senate Filibuster – The Senate was supposed to be a deliberative body, one that facilitated debate and discussion.  Many remember the film Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, where a Senator took to the floor to discuss an issue before the Senate.  That ended in 1970 when the rules were changed to allow a 2-track system.  We need that 2-track system ended and the traditional Filibuster restored.


*** Eliminate opportunities for election fraud – Without honest elections our nation will be lost.  Congress has the power to change this, but it will take a strong (very strong) voice by We the People to overcome the corruption of Congress in that regard. To save this nation, we must have Congress pass specific laws that will reduce (and hopefully largely eliminate) voter fraud.


*** Reduce corruption in government – We are always going to have scoundrels with us, who by one means or another will find a way to gain from dishonesty or simply accepting a government job that in reality is overly paid and more often non-essential, wasteful or even counterproductive (and these people want to keep their jobs [as well as the perks]) to society.  However, we do not have to mass produce these conditions wholesale, as we do when we allow government to grow and grow, year after year, taxing and spending and increasingly taxing and spending—with virtually no accountability.  Unless we restore our founders plan when our nation was formed of “limited government”—which at this point means cutting back on government, we have no hope of reducing the corruption that is absolutely rampant throughout out government systems.  For those of us who actually work for a living outside government, or for those who are trying to make it to the first rung of the economic ladder—what a change it would be if all this government was reduced to the barest of essentials and a renewed world of freedom, liberty and opportunity blossomed.  We need to work to make that happen.


*** Outlaw the corruption of the lobbying industry – Any lobbying of government officials and elected representatives independent of a public forum is a crime against We the People and our Constitutional Republic.  Government officials and elected representatives must be at all times accountable to the people.  If special interests want to lobby for something, it should be done in a public locale, with the public adequately informed and able to attend to lend their approval/disapproval.  Representatives cannot be free agents to act independent of the public they represent.


*** Stop letting our representatives be free agents – Many of our elected representatives think they can do whatever they want if they can get a majority of their cronies to support them.  That is not how our Constitutional system was designed to work.  Representatives must be accountable and subject to local districts regarding stance on any proposed legislation.  Proposed legislation must either be proposed or thoroughly vetted by the public from the district of the Representative.  Such accountability is virtually impossible with the large districts we currently have for the House and even worse for the Senate.  That is why we need small districts, so we actually can hold our representatives accountable and with a restored Senate (17th Amendment repealed) our senators would not longer be the free agents they are now, but accountable to the state legislatures that appointed them. 


*** Eliminate Gerrymandering – Gerrymandering is a corrupt process political parties use to set district boundaries favorable to their winning elections.  We need to develop a computer program (open source) that the nation can use to redistrict as needed, based purely on natural boundaries (county, city, streets, etc.) and based on population only, not other demographics such as ethnicity, political affiliation, or income.  In fact, even before we gain the ability to pass an amendment to place an upper limit on the size of a House district or repeal the 17th Amendment, we can develop a computer program capable of creating and reapportioning as required district boundaries across this nation.  If we set the size at 50,000 population, we can then use those new districts as organizational districts for educating and promoting the very policies needed to restore this nation to one of self-government by We the People. 


*** Restore education for the people – Get the federal and state government out of public education.  Restore the purse strings and agenda for education to the local community.  Our nation cannot survive what is being done in the name of Public Education.  The government takes our tax dollar and wastes it; today’s education system is controlled by unions and a self-serving and unnecessary bureaucracy.  Curriculum, instead of being geared to educate and create capable individuals able to think and reason for themselves, is instead increasingly focused on indoctrination.  As a result, especially in the poorer communities, our youth become lost, tune out, and so often opt out.  We must restore total control of what we call the K-12 education system to the local community.  We must promote competition by a federal law that prohibits states or municipalities from taxing the public for education and then forcing them to utilize the one government option.  Instead, parents and emancipated minors should be permitted to use their pro-rated share of the tax dollar to fund the school of their choice. 


*** Rein in the corporate world – The industrial revolution, mega-corporations, and tax-exempt non-profits in America evolved after the Constitution was drafted, thus the founders did not foresee the problems nations now face, as these powerful interests so often work counter to the best interest of the general welfare.  Serious examination needs to be done to find solutions to resolve these growing problems, especially to limit or negate the ability of these organization—for profit and non-profit—to wield political power and influence. We need to develop a healthy way to deal with corporations so that they do not operate counter to the general welfare, nor are they able to exert political pressure on the electorate, be it through massive financial input into election campaigns, engineering media to favor a particular political outcome, or otherwise.


*** Meet face to face – Unless we truly restore a functional sense of community, we cannot overcome the Left—who increasingly work to divide us and keep us from apart. Form in small groups, preferably a dozen or less—meet for a purpose—to seriously discuss what can be done to fix our nation, and implement, improve upon, or promote the items on this list.  Groups can learn to network with other groups, in person, as We the People need to learn to work together to form a nation where We the People self-govern.  Do not allow the so-called social media become a substitute for in person interaction.


*** Stop letting our branches of government circumvent the Constitutional process -- Article V of the Constitution provides methods of amending (keeping it alive and relevant); neither the courts, the legislature, or the executive have the right to circumvent the Constitutional methods of amendment.  All court decisions, laws, and acts that go beyond the bounds of the Constitutions responsibility for the federal/national government are null and void and must not just be rescinded but the society restored to the point prior to their passage or implementation. 


*** Take back what the Federal government has stolen from us – The domestic functions of government, other than specifically addressed in the Constitution are the prerogative of the various states, local municipalities or the people.  We need to educate the public as to how most of the Federal legislation over the past century has unconstitutionally expanded government and harmed We the People in the process.  As the public becomes educated to this, we must rescind/nullify these programs or actions and restore functionality to the states, local municipalities or We the People. 


*** Stop crony capitalism and crooked politicians from destroying opportunity – Small businesses and startup entrepreneurships has been the major impetus for job growth and innovation—all of which made America a great nation.  We must reverse protectionist measures already implemented and take care to see that special interests and big business do not create impediments to its growth—as big business and protectionism tends to do.  To accomplish this we need to educate the public to the manner the self-serving use the creation of new laws to create winner and loser in what should be a free enterprise system.


*** Defeat the leftist propaganda that permeates large metropolitan areas – Currently, through a variety of means, the leftist mantra dominates and many yield if for no other reason, simply to avoid social ostracism.  While there may be some irredeemable truth to President Thomas Jefferson’s prophecy:  When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe.  To survive as a nation, we must find ways to change what seems to be a natural tendency—this is a critical, albeit crisis issue, if we are to save this nation from tyranny.  


*** Why we have a Republic and not a Democracy – This seems a slam dunk, but it is amazing how many are ignorant of the difference between a democracy and our Constitutional Republic—and why we don’t want our nation to disintegrate into a democracy.  Possibly one of the quickest ways is to show the short little video regarding forms of government.  Our children need to be taught this early and have it reinforced.  The Left has been working diligently for over a 100 years to undermine our republic and render it impotent by promoting “democracy” as a guise.  This must be reversed, and the first step is to develop films and other educational materials that can be readily disseminated. 


*** Too much government is always a bad thing – Teach the public (and our youth) that the larger the government, the greater the waste of the nation’s resources (our tax dollars) and the greater the corruption—and as a consequence We the People have less freedom and liberty to pursue happiness and purpose.  If we allow government to increase, it ultimately results in such tyranny over We the People that all hope of self-government is lost and we end up mere slaves to those who exercise control over us—true tyranny.


*** Educate the public to the mechanisms used to corrupt our government – Education is the issue. The public needs to understand how our government was corrupted before they will support and demand it be fixed.  Develop entertaining dramas and other material to educate the public (and our youth) in the manner that our national Constitution has been corrupted.  And in the process, what needs to be done to clean it up.  This will include repealing every single welfare subsidy (including to business and agriculture) that is not specified as a federal responsibility under Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution.  Public welfare is best handled as a local issue, where true compassion and accountability can be exercised for the benefit of the individual as well as society.  Big government is not the answer.


*** Rein in the Federal Reserve, devaluation of our dollar and deficit spending – As our dollar is reduced in value due to inflation, those extra dollars are not going to pay off government debt—instead it is going to banking interests.  America is not about “the economy stupid”, it’s about freedom and opportunity. The dollar used to be sound, that is until the Federal Reserve was created.  Now, thanks to the continuous creation of money from thin air, our dollar is worth less than 2 cents of what it was in 1913, when the Federal Reserve was created, and is close—thanks to our stupid government policies—to becoming worthless.  Somehow, before that happens, we need to get a handle on things and stop letting the Federal Reserve keep devaluing our currency and allowing our crooked/stupid politicians drive this nation to pure bankruptcy via deficit spending.  Various politicians have tried to get the approval to audit the Federal Reserve, but failed.  In reality, if you look at the Constitution, the Federal Reserve itself was an unconstitutional act of Congress.  Our system is sure a mess!


*** End Racism as tool for division – We need to promote true science to the public, including our children from infancy, that scientifically as proven by DNA, all mankind is descended from common ancestors—we are all related—and differences in appearance merely the result that no humans are identical and yet groups of people who have been isolated for generations tend to develop similar dominant genes.  While nothing can fully eliminate the cruelty and bigotry some people seem determined to possess, developing a healthy and scientific way of addressing the minor differences that exist between us humans is a necessary start. 


*** Restore America to be the great Melting Pot – While we should not expect those of different ethnicities and heritages to give up their traditions, we must stop letting the Left divide people into groups and pit them against each other.  We need to restore the healthy concept where multi-cultures are expected to embrace American values and assimilate into the common culture.


*** Clean up the court system – No small thing with a nation overrun with lawyers.  Our court system has been corrupted to accommodate attorneys and legal process rather than justice, we must repair the system so it facilitates We the People—not attorneys and who has the most money to spend on the cleverest attorneys.


*** Restore our 2nd Amendment Rights – The Federal government must put a stop to individual states undermining (infringing upon) the rights afforded by our Second Amendment.  The purpose of the second amendment was to allow We the People the ability to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government—that is not an obsolete issue.  How to form local militias to train citizenry to protect against enemies foreign and domestic is a real issue and need.


*** End public sector unions unless approved by We the People – While private sector employees have the right to collective bargaining and formation of unions, the situation with government employees is different as the employer is the tax-payer, not the elected representatives or bureaucratic agencies.  When government officials endorse public sector unions and approve contracts with them, they invariably do so by circumventing public involvement and approval and We the People are stuck with the bill and the downside.  Public sector unions—unless the actual labor agreements are vetted and approved by some ongoing process by the general public—should be construed as unconstitutional.  This would include the public sector teacher unions.


*** Develop healthier ways to deal with criminality – Aside from re-instilling moral principles stricken from much of our society, we need to take a fresh look at a criminal justice system that in many ways is counterproductive to society.  Our criminal justice has become a travesty, not only do we not nip delinquency in the bud at an early age, we create career criminals.... we need to get a handle on how to correct our system so that locking a criminal up for a number of years—at public expense—is not in some idiotic mantra considered “paying their debt to society.”  We need to better than that, but  when it comes to the unrepentant carrier criminal, the punishment should not be a walk in the park—hard labor for exercise and no bennies—maybe that will wake some of them up.


*** End “stare decisis” as a method to twist and corrupt the law – Bit by bit those who wish to circumvent the law have used the process of stare decisis—looking to judicial precedent (including written comments that accompanied the decision) as a method to bit by bit corrupt the law until we end up with the dead opposite as originally written.  This must be stopped.


*** Restore a free press – Over the years our free press has been gobbled up by giant corporations—who control the narrative—until at present more than 90% of the media is controlled by just 6 giant corporations and are effectively a monopoly.  We must find ways to remedy this so that indoctrination and propaganda do not rule the vast majority in America.


*** Develop a healthy independent media – To the extent possible, we need to develop functional ways to bypass the media monopoly. Whether thru human to human interaction, email networks, or development of new news outlets—we need to develop the means to promote factual information, information that supports a healthy society, debunks propaganda, and encourages positive development within society.


*** Promote fiscal accountability – Politicians don’t pay for the problems they create, We the People do.  We must find ways to get rid of the national debt, by as quickly as possible by reducing the size of the Federal government exclusively to what is authorized under the Constitution.  This would include the elimination of a significant portion of the Federal government and its programs.


*** Promote the General Welfare – Charlatans and other political opportunists who want to gain power at the expense of We the People have intentionally distorted the true meaning of the clause in the Preamble to the Constitution to promote the General Welfare to mean create government welfare programs, be it for businesses, agriculture, disaster recovery, or the poor.  Up until the Repressive/Regressive era (they try to fool us by calling themselves “progressives”) it was understood that the Federal government did not provide such relief, instead it was up to the states, local municipalities or We the People.  True help gives either a helping hand up, or as is often the case—not interfering in a person’s ability to help themselves.  In both instances, government programs both cripple people by creating a dependence upon government and diminishing opportunities for them to help themselves (such as by crippling education, making it more difficult to gain an entry level job, causing it to be cost prohibitive to purchase property and develop a starter home, and by reducing public morality to the level of sewage.  Government, in just about every sense of the word has crippled and diminished the General Welfare through its supposed “do good” programs.  We need to educate people to the truth of the situation and then we need to reverse the process so that everyone in America has a fair opportunity to get a decent education, get a job, acquire and develop property and live in a society with healthy values that have been time proven to be of benefit to the General Welfare.


*** Restore local control – Across the board we need to restore the basics of civil government and social issues to the local community, such that K-12 education, homelessness and vagrancy, judicial system including litigation and criminal justice, social welfare, health care, property rights, labor, business, civil order (ethics), opportunities for upward mobility, and other vital functions necessary for a healthy community—are brought back to local control by We the People.  For each of these issues big government, top down government destroys and wastes—we need to reverse that. 


*** Government services, not government extortion and control – Would it not be wonderful if government actually provided services rather than finding ways to control us and extort money from us?  For us taxpayers and homeowners, it would certainly be a different world than we currently live in.  How would you like to be able to do an upgrade to your home, an addition or whatever—without getting costly fees and then property tax increases that last for a lifetime?  While many bear such burdens to improve their property, many can’t afford it and thus don’t make improvements they otherwise would.  This is one example of how the government extorts money from people.  As for government control the list could be endless. 


*** All people, regardless of skill or age, should be able to work – The government has imposed so many restrictions on employment that many can’t gain entry into the job market.  Some people (especially the unions) advocate raising the minimum wage as a solution—the exact opposite is the solution.  Early in the FDR administration, Roosevelt attempted to create a federal minimum wage—it was deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.  Well, along with other measures, Roosevelt wanted to pack the court (similar to what the Leftists want to do today) in order to get his way.  Well, he scared Justices and he eventually got his way.  Bit by bit, unconstitutional and harmful to the general welfare, and harmful to those at the bottom of the economic ladder get made into law.  We need to educate the public on the adverse effects of all these supposed “solutions” that may “feel good” but actually hurt the very people it is intended to help. 


*** Develop a society that accommodates real people – Government no longer serves the public, instead the public (at least the working public) are servant to the government.  And, unfortunately, many fall between the cracks due to the laws, regulations, impact fees, taxes and other complexities—rendering many either dependent upon government programs, or otherwise unable to live a decent life.  We need to deal with this in a way that allows all able bodied people to live decent lives, not as dregs on society, but as productive members who contribute to the general welfare and health of our society and are able to live decently—and not on the public dole.


*** Accommodating those who can’t handle the complex – There are a lot of quality people who simply cannot handle the complexities of what our current government creates.  There are those who look down on those who do the more menial jobs, whether you call them maids, servants, people who tend the yards, do cleanup and so many other jobs that eventually need to be done.  For some these are just starting jobs, for others it is the reality of the furthest that they can reasonably achieve.  The value of their time in dollars and cents might not be that great, and if we don’t accommodate them and treat them as equals, we can either end up having them live on the streets or some form of our current (and hopefully soon to be extinguished) welfare system.  75 or a 100 years ago, these folks could live a decent live in a little homestead they built or on in cottage on someone else’s property, doing odd jobs, day labor, or working to perform tasks needed in someone else’s household.  In so many ways we don’t accommodate this anymore—and a share of the vacuum for this needed labor is taken up by undocumented (illegal?) aliens.  We need to accommodate our own citizens, without making them into dependents upon some government program for subsistence.  If it were not for so many laws, regulations, prohibitions, and whatnot, these able people—though limited in their ability to handle certain complexities created by government—should be able to live decent lives, earn a living, and be accepted as respectable (and be so) contributing member of society—fairly paying their taxes and fairly enjoying the benefits of living in a free society. 


*** The American Dream – What a magical world it would be if we could work together to curtail the wicked, deal with them in a healthy manner and not let them become the rulers over our lives.  America was founded as a land of opportunity, a land where the great experiment in self-government was created, a land where We the People—not politicians, special interests or the wealthy—had power over us.  The vision was not for equal starting points or equal endings, but a land where everyone had reasonable opportunities to make the best of their lives if the so chose.  The magical kingdom of socialism has proven time and again to be a most destructive force to those unfortunates living under it.  But the advocates state time and again, “it just wasn’t done right, let us have the power and we will do it right this time.”  Fools, the naïve may believe this, but it simply is not true.  Some of the richest people in America at the present moment started with extremely humble beginnings.  And, some of the people born to the richest families and with a wealth of opportunity squandered it and some have lost everything.  Money does not buy happiness, and it should not buy political power in America—and we can stop it from doing so—if We the People are united behind our founding values and the rule of law under the Constitution.  What is essential is that government does not create laws, rules, regulations, restrictions (so often in the feel good idea of helping people) that limit the ability of those at the bottom to 1) live in a community that promotes healthy values, 2) hopefully have an intact family, 3) have the opportunity for a quality education that a) makes sure they become good readers, functional in basic mathematics, and understand the principles of our government systems, 3) are able to accept employment (regardless of starting wages) so they can learn the basics of responsibility and the skills needed to do that job, 4) if they seek to start a business are not restricted by unnecessary government policies—often to protect competition—so that they can venture into the world of entrepreneurship, 5) that if they can afford to purchase a piece of property, that impact fees, zoning issues, and so many other impediments don’t prohibit them from building—however humble—a starter home, 6) without it being an undo tax on their time, they can participate in selecting and electing a local representative that will uphold our Constitution, the rule of law, and make vote against any law that will diminish the ability of a poor person to make it in our society without some government handout.